
Updates following the Cordell Report

On November 13 the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to ask Sheriff Corpus to resign.

On November 18, Representatives Eshoo and Mullin, Senator Becker, and Assemblymembers Papan and Berman called for her resignation: Congressional and state leaders call on Sheriff Corpus to resign

On November 21, the five remaining Captains who had not resigned or been fired called on Sheriff Corpus to resign: San Mateo County sheriff’s captains call for embattled Sheriff Corpus to step down

On November 25, 66 of the 77 sergeants and lieutenants voted for her resignation; the remaining 11 employees did not vote: Sergeants, lieutenants call for San Mateo County sheriff’s resignation

On November 25, the San Carlos City Council voted unanimously to ask the Sheriff to resign.

On Dec 3, the Board adopted a resolution for a special election March 4, 2025 on a charter amendment that would allow the Board of Supervisors to remove the Sheriff for misconduct.

The Ballot Measure arguments for Measure A, the charter amendment about the Sheriff, are now published. See the arguments for and against this measure.