Oversight balances power with responsibility.
Oversight helps public safety by balancing the enormous power of the Sheriff’s Office with accountability to the community. Fixin’ San Mateo County is a local grassroots organization working to enact effective, independent civilian oversight of the County Sheriff’s Office. Join us in supporting safety for everyone.
Jessica Pishko, author of The Highest Law in the Land
Jessica is a journalist and lawyer who been reporting on the criminal legal system for a decade, with a focus on the political power of sheriffs since 2016. In addition to her newsletter Posse Comitatus, her writings have been featured in The New York Times, Rolling Stone, The Atlantic, The Appeal, Democracy Docket, and more.
Tuesday, Feb 4, 7-8pm on Zoom
We will have live Spanish translation.
RSVP hereHappy Hour: January 21 at 4:30 in San Mateo
This month please join us at Rise Woodfire (2 N B St, San Mateo, in the Caltrain station). All are welcome—no RSVP is needed! Our Happy Hour social gathering takes place every month on the 3rd Tuesday, 4:30 – 6:30.
Ways to Help
When you buy something at our shop, approximately 17% of your purchase price goes to Fixin’ SMC to support our work. The rest goes to fulfillment service RedBubble.
What are people saying about oversight?
“The people of San Mateo County deserve the best law enforcement. The efforts of Fixin’ San Mateo County to establish a Civilian Oversight Commission and Inspector General with subpoena power for the Sheriff’s Office will ensure transparency and accountability for citizens. I support the initiative and look forward to its implementation.”
Congresswoman Anna Eshoo
“As a retired police officer, I support oversight of the Sheriff’s Office. It can improve the relationship between the community and agency, and address public concern about high profile incidents and discipline matters. Oversight will increase understanding of law enforcement policies and procedures, and identify areas of concern and offer options to improve policing.”
C.R., Redwood City
In Depth
Data and details about civilian oversight and about Fixin’ SMC.
2023 Year End Report
Our 2023 Year End Report is now available!
White Paper
Our report to the Board of Supervisors on oversight requirements and local comparisons.
Data-Driven Outcomes from Law Enforcement Oversight
Case studies of successful oversight outcomes.
What else are people saying about oversight?
“My family knows law enforcement. In my immediate family we have a former Menlo Park PD lieutenant, a retired Redding Sheriff, a CHP officer and a police officer in South Carolina. So I know the importance of transparency and accountability between law enforcement and the community. And I believe that civilian oversight of the Sheriff’s Office will support a positive relationship between law enforcement and the community it serves.”
B.K., North Fair Oaks
“I actually think, in public life, we often miss one of the most important functions that we can engage in, and that is oversight. What you’re doing is just fundamentally good, grassroots political action. I applaud you and wish you great success as you move forward.”
Congresswoman Jackie Speier